Saturday, 2 July 2011


I've not had chance to update my blog due to work commitments. I have been offered a full time job to replace my part time retail job, so this last week has been busy as I've been preparing to leave a job I genuinely love and start afresh on a completely different career path.

I have been very drawn to Feng Shui recently. My mother has returned my book to me so I can read up a bit more on that to keep my mind fresh with it. I've also been meandering my way through "Reiki for Life" by Penelope Quest, a fascinating book but so full of information I have to take my time absorbing it.

In other news, the dying money plant that was left abandoned in the house by it's previous occupants has been brought back to full, vibrant life, by yours truly. So much so I had to prune it this morning because it's branches were too heavy for it. I, of course, have not taken pictures and I am kicking myself for it now. It was on it's last legs and if I didn't have such a dire financial situation I would have got over my qualms of throwing it away (symbolically throwing my money away?) and chucked it out with yesterdays over-cooked dinner and left over soggy salads. Alas. I repotted the poor little begger (pun!) and it is bigger and better than ever (hello new full time job!). I have saved the prunings to replant.

Maybe this is the path my life should take. Horticultural?

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