Monday, 27 June 2011

The slow mosey 'round.

I am the type of person that drives vendors mad. It isn't something I try to do on purpose, but I like to mosey and look at every-single-little-thing(!) before I commit to perusing their wares.

Now, the trick to this is that some Vendors are there solely to make money. Plain and simple. I'm sure there were some good intentions there when they started up their business but sometimes desperation takes over and before you know it you are being harangued and accosted by people trying to sell their "miracle make-up" and (much to my chagrin) "healing hair silks".

Don't get me wrong. I used to go to these festivals and be amazed at the wondrous spirituality of the whole shebang, but this year I was sorely disappointed with some of the stalls, but I won't dwell.

My travels around all of the stalls also gives me an idea of what I want to buy and where I can buy it from. The actual sale person is of vital importance at this point. If I don't like the sales person for any reason what-so-ever I will not buy. Simple. Apart from one of them but that's a long story.

I must admit though. There is a book shop that is at every single one of these festivals I go to. It's amazing and has books on everything spiritual and controversial. They must make a fortune, God only knows I always spend a good wad of dosh there every year. But these are books you would even struggle to find on Amazon. I will find a link and put it on my links page.

All in all there were approximately 80-90 stalls, and that's a lot of information to take in. On top of this there were performers and performances on the stage that were amazing! The energy created by some of these (particularly Jason Chan of Radiant Warrior and Infinite Tai Chi) would heat up the room like you wouldn't believe.

The thing is you never see everything on that initial walk about. I didn't see some of the stalls in all the hours I was there on Saturday, making me so grateful that I could be there for both days. And it's nice when the vendors recognise you and make conversation with you on that second day.

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