Thursday, 23 June 2011

Self Treatments vs Case Study.

I have been doing my self treatments religiously since I was attuned to Reiki I on June 3rd. I have noticed that I am getting better at focusing on myself during these treatments and as a result my life seems to be flowing considerably better. I am however quite underwhelmed by it at times and feel as though I am lacking in terms of "power" for lack of a better term.

On the day of my level I attunement I was given the chance to direct some healing to my teachers partner. I knew about an ailment he had had for quite some time but didn't think much of his health or wellbeing as I was positioned next to him. I was thinking "as if this is going to work so soon". I was told that if all I wanted to do was Scan, that was fine and we could compare notes when she was done with her treatment.

During the scanning process I felt cold areas on his chest (lungs) and knees, and felt compelled to go to the soles of his feet. I placed my hands there for the duration of the  treatment my Reiki Master was giving. With my eyes closed. I felt as though I was swaying but I'm pretty sure I was still.

I felt hot all over, like all the individual atoms of my body were vibrating at such a rate I was boiling over. Even my eye balls felt like they were tingling. At the end of the treatment, our "patient" stood up and said "the heat from your hands travelled so fast up my left leg and into the base of my spine and was so, so hot.... and now my back doesn't hurt."

My Reiki Master and I confirmed our cold spots, the lungs and knees and I gave a bit of a treatment to my Reiki Master as she wanted to sample the heat from my hands. 

All in all it gave me a confidence knowing that I had helped someone, even though I doubted I was as strong as that. Doubt is easy in the first days and weeks of practicing Reiki, I think.

My Mother called me yesterday and gave me an update on our Buxton weekend, we are now going to be a group of four, with my Reiki Master and Aunty coming along with us. During the conversation she said, "By the way, your first Reiki patient has told me that his back is still fine and he has had no pain since he received a treatment from you, and come to think of it, neither have I."

Maybe I have a thing for healing backs.

I will discuss with my Reiki Teacher on Saturday when she will consider the second attunement. I am eager to learn it as I have read great things about it, primarily from Alice Langholt's blog Reiki Awakening.It is a fascinating read right from when she was Reiki I.

I'm eager to be able to offer distance healing. Especially as there are not a lot of people surrounding me who want a hands-on treatment.

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