Tuesday, 21 June 2011

The single step.

I like to consider myself to be a spiritual person, although I have never been able to find a religion I have been comfortable enough with to practice full time.

The last year has been particularly tough for me although I couldn't pin down the reason for my dark days and instead of dwelling, I would sleep. Which is in itself a form of dwelling. My doctor prescribed me anti-depressants and counselling (which never came to fruition oddly enough) and after a few months of non-stop pill taking I decided enough was enough. I had been turned into a zombie, and worst of all, I was still very much unhappy and not myself.

One morning, I awoke with such a strong feeling it nearly pushed me out of bed. It woke Sam up and he asked me what was wrong. "I need to learn Reiki" was my reply.

Now, I hadn't received a Reiki treatment for years at this point. I had previously been treated twice by a Reiki practitioner, then Master regarding two previous health issues and I had benefited greatly from her healing. So much so that I hadn't bothered going back for more treatment as I didn't need it.

Sam of course didn't have a clue what I was on about and rolled over and went back to sleep. But I couldn't sleep! I was suddenly so full of energy and vitality that I had to get out of bed and find a way of being attuned to Reiki.

It was another couple of weeks before I was able to be attuned. And it was the most magical day of my life to date.

Whats surprised me is the different reactions and opinions people have towards Reiki. Sam, my boyfriend of 6 years refuses flat out to believe it is real or tangible. He thinks it is "fake" and that I am half way to crazy. However, after doing a self treatment (usually at night time) he cannot stand to lie next to me because I am radiating such intense heat it prickles his skin. And other people, such as my colleagues, who I thought would react much the same as Sam, are so receptive to it they will ask for healing there and then on the shop floor.

Being attuned to Reiki was my single step to what has become, and hopefully continue to be, an amazing journey.

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